Festa dei Cacciatori - Our Hunter's Feast was a Raving Success!

The Festa dei Cacciatori/Hunter’s Feast 2024 was an amazing cohosted event between the Trevisani nel Mondo of Nova Scotia and the ICCA NS.

As President of the ICCA NS, I was extremely proud of all that we accomplished together. The delicious, five-course meal, whether it be the wild menu or the alternative menu, was a treat to the senses and compliments to everyone who worked so hard to make it all happen. 

We cannot tell you how much we appreciate all your support! This event sold out in 12 days, and that includes the early notice to our members too.

Note to everyone: Folks are very interested in our events at the ICCA; please buy your tickets early whenever we send out our event notices. Members do get early notice, which is just one of the benefits of being an ICCA member. (Learn more about membership here.)


Special thanks go to

Renato Gasparetto, Danilo Gasparetto, Michael Gasparetto, and Sabrina Lawrence for leading the Event.

Bruna Meggetto for heading the lasagna and dessert making along with Maria M, Lanfranco N, Veronica S and Karen S.

Amadeo R, Lou V and Darren C for their help in the kitchen.

Enrico G,  Luca G, Stephen G, Renato G, Danilo G and Amadeo R for their hunting skills in helping to acquire the delicious meat for the meal. 

Hall setup crew Mara G, Carol R, Claudia B, Norma B, Tania M, Sandra G, Jeff P.

Kitchen staff on the day of the event - Fernando S, Sabrina L, Renata V, Nadia G, our dishwashers Marco C and Kirk C.

Last but not least, our eight amazing servers - Matteo, Giorgia, Ryan, Isobel, Olivia, Michelle, Cameron, Teresa and our Bar team Alex, Nick and Lori, led by Marco Chiarot. 

Special thanks go out to Renato and Michael Gasparetto for their dedicated and tireless help in making this event happen every year.

Enjoy a few of the highlights of the evening, and we will see you next year!

Sandra Gardin,

President of the ICCA-NS.

A Message from the President of the ICCA

Greetings of the season!

Looking at this past year, I am so proud of all that we have accomplished together to rebuild our ICCA.

We kicked the year off with a very exciting Festa della Repubblica, where old friends came together, and new friends were made. We hosted weddings, parties, Sunday dinners, a Holiday craft show, full language and cooking classes with waitlists and, of course, our very successful Festa Italiana in September!

Together, we secured our ICCA financials all while re-igniting our Italianità - the passion to share all that our Italian culture has to offer.

On behalf of myself and all of the ICCA Board of Directors, we wish you all the very best in the New Year!


Auguri di buone feste a tutti! Ripensando all’anno passato, sono orgogliosa di tutto ciò che abbiamo realizzato insieme per ricostruire la nostra ICCA.

Abbiamo iniziato l’anno con la Festa della Repubblica che è stato un successo in cui vecchi amici si sono riuniti e si sono fatte nuove amicizie. Abbiamo ospitato matrimoni, feste, cene domenicali, una mostra natalizia dell' artigianato, corsi completi di lingua e cucina con liste d’attesa, e la nostra Festa Italiana a settembre e' stata un grande successo!

Insieme, abbiamo garantito la stabilità finanziaria della nostra ICCA riaccendendo nel contempo la nostra Italianità - la passione di condividere tutto ciò che la nostra cultura italiana ha da offrire.

A nome mio e di tutto il Consiglio Direttivo dell'ICCA, auguriamo a voi tutti il meglio per il Nuovo Anno!

Sincerely/Cordiali saluti,

Sandra Gardin

ICCA-NS President

Hunter's Feast - Festa dei Cacciatori 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Hunter's Feast - Festa dei Cacciatori is happening on January 27th, 2024 and ticket sales are now open.

The Hunter’s Feast is presented by the Trevisani Association of Nova Scotia & hosted by the Italian Canadian Cultural Association of Nova Scotia.

DATE: Saturday, January 27, 2024

TIME: Bar opens 6:00pm, and dinner is served at 7:00pm

TICKETS: $80.00 each, includes HST

We offer two menu options for the Hunter’s Feast:

The Hunter's Menu includes Goose, Deer and Rabbit.

The Alternative Menu includes Vegetarian Lasagna, Beef Stew and Chicken Breast.

NOTE: There are NO Vegan or Gluten-Free Options available. Sorry.

WINE: You can pre-order bottles of wine for your table from a selection of 2 white and 3 red. Wine ordered here will be available only at your dinner table, not in the Club Room Bar. Other wines will be available at the event, along with our full bar menu.

Both menus are listed below.

Tickets are $80 each and include HST.

Yes! For those asking... each menu includes EVERYTHING listed. 😋


Space is limited; please order now to confirm your seats.

Want to sit with friends/ family? Please watch for the "notes to seller" area in the online checkout, where you can fill out the names of friends you wish to be seated at your table. We do our best to accommodate all seating requests, but we need everyone's names to make this happen.

Click here to order your tickets now.